YES, if your company is:
NO, if your company is an exempt entity.
A beneficial owner is any individual who:
You must file in the following situations:
Failure to file BOIR on time or providing inaccurate information may result in:
Failure to file BOIR on time or providing inaccurate information may result in:
The only forms of identification that are considered acceptable include:
FinCEN identifies 23 types of exempt business entities that do not qualify as reporting companies under the reporting
Companies qualify as tax-exempt entities if they meet any of the following criteria:
The IRS recognizes them as exempt entities under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (this includes many nonprofit organizations).
They lost their tax-exempt status under the code less than 180 days prior.
They are political organizations as defined under section 527(a) of the code.
They are trusts as defined under section 4947(a) of the code.
A large operating company is defined by the following criteria:
Inactive entities are not required to file a BOIR. FinCEN defines an inactive entity as one that meets all of the following criteria:
The Act exempts certain individuals from the definition of beneficial owner, including: